International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Practical Course “Bioinformatics: Computer Methods in Molecular Biology”
Co-sponsored by EMBNet
24 June – 1 July, 2005, Trieste, Italy
Organizer: Sándor Pongor
The course material:
- Sandor’s Introduction to Bioinformatics
- S. Pongor’s lesson: “Algorithms in molecular biology”
- GNRT – Guide to network resource tools
- D. Judge’s coursebook: “Bioinformatics – A User’s Approach”
- Dave and Paul Judge’s instructions on how to setup EMBOSS and Staden under MS Windows
- D. Judge’s exercise: “Staden sip4”
- D. Judge’s Sequence comparison ppt
- D. Judge’s Introduction ppt
- D. Judge’s Dot plots ppt
- D. Landsman’s exercises: “Configure Your Browser for cn3d”
- D. Landsman’s NCBI Online Resources
- D. Landsman’s NCBI BLAST Tutorial
- P. Cooper’s NCBI Problem Set
- E. Gasteiger’s Exercise
- Jemboss at ICGEB